My Story
Or something like that.

Once Upon a Time... Kidding!
I grew up in California (Yay Area), and spent a majority of my time living with my grandparents. My parents did the best they could (as one of my grandmothers says, “If they knew better, they would do better”), but they never necessarily set up a great framework for what healthy relationships really look like. The blame doesn’t fall on them alone, but also on the society that has, for much too long, placed a higher importance on the individual: individual wants, goals, and needs. I’ll be the first person to preach about personal growth, but I think we have started to forget one of the greatest human needs: connection.
In my earliest years, I observed adults that couldn’t communicate. Couldn’t seem to ever get on the same page. Couldn’t properly express their own needs in a relationship. Couldn’t stay together or commit. Couldn’t seem to get ahead of the next slip-up, couldn’t seem to agree, or set parameters for themselves and their partner that would provide some stability.
And so when I started dating and getting in relationships, I modeled that behavior.
I was pretty terrible about a lot of things. Communication. Expressing what I needed in a healthy way that didn’t look like manipulation. Boundaries. Honesty. Seriously, boundaries. Knowing my own needs. Understanding my partner’s needs. I made a lot of mistakes. Things I am not proud of, things I would do differently if I knew better (shout out Gma), and things that got me in less than desirable situations.
Which is why if I can get myself to a place where I strive for growth, only allow the things that make me happy into my life, and create meaningful relationships with people who deserve to be in my corner… babe, you DEFINITELY can.
I spent years messing up relationships, messing up my Friday nights, and messing up my mascara (probably the worst offense), so that I could get to the place I am now. With YEARS of knowing what doesn’t work, and (thank God) YEARS of knowing what does. I’ve read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, and humbly asked all the questions to people in #relationshipgoals partnerships that brought me to being in the best, most transformative relationship of my life, with someone who inspires me to grow daily (and who buys me ice cream!! Get you someone who can do both).
All the content I share will align with my mission:
To inspire individuals to grow daily, live daringly, and connect authentically.
Sometimes we’ll be serious, like most of this “About Me” section. Sometimes I’ll tell you hilarious dating horror stories (the ones I haven’t completely blocked from my memory). We’ll laugh. Might shed a tear or two. But mostly what I’m hoping we do is create a movement where we strive for authentic connection while living our absolute best lives.
Looking forward to doing this thing together.
Love Always,